When Future MIL attempted to put on my bridal dress, it was ruined. May I take her to judge? ‘ UPDATED 2X

April 15, 2024

My coming mother in law attempted to try on the wedding gown, but it was ruined. It’s beyond restoration. May I bring her to courtroom?”

I’m based in Virginia. I purchased a wedding dress that cost me over$ 11k, next paid significantly more in abnormalities. My coming mother-in-law made the horrifying decision to try on my clothing over the weekend. In a nutshell, it’s beyond repair and entirely destroyed. I also have reason to believe that she caused intentional harm to the gown because of certain areas that were torn.

Because “it’s just a dress,” my fiance does n’t think the cost of the dress qualifies as a financial threshold for suing her. He does n’t think we can take her to court and get the money back. If that’s accurate, and if it’s possible to report her because of the more intentional harm, I want to hear if that’s the case? I know it’s only” a dress” but this goes beyond the clothing.

Commentators offered their opinions and guidance.


If you paid for the clothing with a credit card, it might be covered by some sort of injury protection that might be beneficial to you.


Your girlfriend is inappropriate– you can definitely sue her for the value of the dress + alterations, if you can report that the dress is beyond repair. You’ll want to take this subject aside and seek out more practical guidance about how it will impact your relationship with your future spouse, since this does not take into account the specific aspect of the issue.


Steps: 1.) Find a solicitor. 2.) File a report with the authorities. 3.) File a complaint with an attorney. 4.) Show Fiance to make a choice.

This is the valley you want to perish from.

And said:

Your girlfriend is wrong, although I may fairly know why he might not get excited about the prospect of his woman suing his mother. You’ll want to tread carefully on some relationship-related topics here, but ultimately you’re entitled to compensation if someone intentionally or negligently damages your property, even if they did n’t expect to.

If your fiance does n’t support you in this, I’d be thinking about whether you can trust him on other issues as well. $ 11k is well out of Virginia’s small claims jurisdiction ( where the maximum claim is$ 5, 000 ), so if the fair market value of your dress really is that high, you’ll want to speak to an attorney.

You can try your fortune with a police report if you want, but legal fees are less probable unless she breaks into your home or does something else while doing so.

Weeks afterward, OP shared a major update on the situation:

Hey all… first of all, thank you for all of your nice comments and assistance. I apologize if I have n’t kept everyone informed, but the last few weeks have been incredibly difficult to say the least.

The ceremony is down, first things first. We are still together and be engaged, but things are really, really, strained between us. I love him from the bottom of my heart, and I can see how much this is hurting him, as the only thing that has actually prevented me from leaving this connection. If we can, I would really like to get past this. We’re both committing to seeing a child’s doctor.

My girlfriend called my girlfriend after FMIL damaged my dress and demanded that she pay for the dress’s damage. She turned down because she claimed it was an “accident” and that she was” simply trying to help.”

She actually tried to spin this as her HELPING ME by, and I quote, “giving me a common to seek to” and she also admitted that she just wanted to feel as “young and gorgeous” as me. The worst aspect is that he thought of her blasphemous! I then started throwing a fit until my girlfriend told us to wait until we visited the dressmaker before concluding that she had refused to pay.

Great by me. We collaborated, and the verdict was that it was totally destroyed. It ca n’t be repaired. The stitching in some components is totally destroyed. The dress’s sheer back was torn to pieces ( from her disgusting fake nails ). She even tore the tulle off my coach, and the joints were so badly damaged that she had torn through various areas of the outfit to the point where they were beyond repair.

Hearing how terribly my gown was mutilated crushed me, but my wife’s response at the seamstress’s enraged me. When his family attempted to “relive her design days,” he kept undermining the damage and blatantly mentioning how some things “absolutely was have” been accidents.

I changed my mind and said no, saying that she intentionally destroyed parts of it while trying to put it on in the process without my knowledge and that she did n’t fit in it. The real fun started when we got home and I told him that if she did n’t pay, then I wanted to sue her for damages to the dress.

He gave me some bullsh! about how the dress’s cost did n’t meet the legal requirements. Okay. Before printing all of the responses I received and making him learn them, I took my mouth directly to the internet and posted it to the LegalAdvice post. He acknowledged that she owed us money, and I was seated next to him as he called her.

As I sat it, he argued with her for all of five days before she broke down sobbing, accused him of not loving her, called me garbage for turning him against her, and how could cash become more significant than her love for him. He really looked her in the eye and said,” He understood,” but I’m being overly emotional and this would cause the clothing to blow over.

He said he would “talk to me” after she began babbling and sobbing. After they hung up, he had the brain to turn to me and say that all he wanted was peace and to choose just letting him pay for the gown and let this go ahead. I misplaced it. I screamed at him. I cried difficult than I perhaps actually have cried because I actually feel that he took her part over me.

We had to cancel the wedding and allow him and his mother to enjoy a nice trip to Colombia without me by telling him that it was n’t about the clothing and that if he really believed this was over an “overpriced” clothing at this point, it was about the clothing. We argued, and he continued to tell me that he understood my place, as he has been doing. I told him that I did n’t want her at the wedding. Surprisingly, he agreed.

When he called her the following day and informed her that because of what had happened, we could n’t have her attend the wedding, I sat next to him. I actually felt proud when he hung up on her after she screamed and and sobbed about how” He ca n’t do this”. I started to think about how I was acting strangely when he refused to stand up for his family.

That is until we shared an iPad, which I was n’t. I often use the iphones because I’m much happier with my Ebook but I’ll approach for the iphones in the unique occasion that my Ebook is out of juice and my phone is out of reach. What appears while I was using it are messages from FMIL asking about the best way to buy discounted flights to Colombia.

I looked through the emails, and the next day, he had folded, saying that he had turned down her for my sake but that he still wanted her at the ceremony. That he’d carefully operate on changing my mind, and maybe on the weekend of the wedding I’d been feeling forgiving and welcomed her and if not, I may deal with it.

I had no idea. I actually had my bags packed. He was the one that ended up leaving to stay with his friend while I stayed in the house. The conflict was n’t peaceful.

And that’s about where we’re at at the moment. We have both committed to couple’s counseling. It’s a necessity. I’m feeling sucked in right now. And that’s what he was trying to do, play both sides. Deposits be damned, we both agreed that putting off the wedding until it is most beneficial for us. If anyone inquires, please? I tell them the entire story. The worst way for FMIL to come into our way is.

For the most part, FMIL is trying to portray me as a trashy, greedy harpy who is determined to bring her and her precious baby nothing but misery. She’s tried to come to our house several times to” collect her baby and his belongings”, but I have n’t answered the door.

To his credit, Fiance has blocked her on his phone and has n’t revealed where he’s currently living. He has agreed to be silent and has gone away until we begin therapy. He’s turned over all of his passwords and the iPad so I can check his messages when I want to ( and trust me, I’m checking ).

I cherish him dearly. Although FMIL is in the picture, I do n’t think I can go the distance with him. FFS, I’m looking through his email accounts and messages for contact from his mother. That is a mess, I ca n’t even begin to describe how gross. Sorry for the lengthy post, but a heartfelt wish for therapy. I’m having a hard time keeping my hopes up. This month has been the worst.

Unfortunately, OP’s situation escalated. She shared this second, dramatic update:

This has been the cherry on top of a less than stellar week. To everyone who has so publicly insulted my husband, PM’d me to show me how stupid I am, and how weak I am… You think I do n’t get how this looks to other people? He is not getting away with anything. I realize that seeking advice and counseling seems foolish to other people, but our relationship is one. Please respect that.

There are a number of exciting things to report. One of the things is that my fiance has kept his end of the bargain and has n’t spoken to FMIL. How do I know? She’s losing her mind, and I’m religiously checking his accounts. I’ve woken up to the following this week:

– My Ring app has gone off four times, all at odd hours of the night. It’s her. She shoved notes under my door, as evidenced by her.

– Nasty notes shoved under the door demanding to talk to my fiance/accusing me of driving a wedge between them.

– Text messages enticing me about why I’m forbidding contact with his mother and how ridiculous it is to prevent a son from seeing his mother. I’m going to burn in hell and be a complete fraud.

– She’s come to my work. Security escorted her out when I refused to see her. When I exited the parking lot, I noticed her waiting by the entrance for the employees.

– Fiance and I typically go shopping on Wednesday nights. She is aware of this because she has shared a few trips with us. Who was standing in the parking lot at 7 PM waiting for us? We did n’t get out of the car after we saw her pacing around the entrance.

Just in case she gets even crazier, I’m keeping track of everything. Tomorrow, Fiance and I will go to the neighborhood police to file a report and examine the possibility of obtaining a temporary restraining order. Thank you to everyone that’s offered me kind words, support, and even offers of baked goods. You guys are wonderful, and I really appreciate it.

Good luck, OP! !


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