Renita Yahara creates clothes for women all over the world.

April 2, 2024

Renita Yahara has been sewing her whole life and has made her love a reality.

” It was my daughter who taught me how to weave when I was much”, says Renita. ” I’ve been sewing long, made my boys clothes when they were much”.

Renita looked for ways to use the fabric for fine about eight years ago when she received some boxes of it. She started with pillow cases, but she hoped to have a bigger effect.

” I love making native garments, so I went up to the machine and it pops up, Dress A Girl Around The World”.

Renita was appointed the global organization’s Pennsylvania adviser. Dress A Girl Around The World

We give women who are either in need or are at risk of human trafficking dresses and little puppets that we have, Renita explained.

What started as a goal to make 10- 12 dresses a year rapidly grew to much beyond Renita’s mind. Since 2017 they’ve created over 12, 000 clothes, next time they had about 2, 500.

Every year, she collaborates with a team of a few dozen volunteers to carefully organize dresses of all sizes.

In places like Uganda, Haiti, and Mexico, the clothes are packaged and delivered to ladies in want both domestically and internationally.

Each outfit has a brand that could aid in saving lives.

” We’ve been told by the people who have taken garments that this brand actually deters the animal trafficker,” the people who have taken clothes told us. When the monster looks at this and they see the baby with this brand and they think, This left her only, she’s being watched out for by an business”.

The Elizabethtown Studio is full of mothers, mothers, sisters, and uncles who sew like into outfits they will not fulfill.

” We can see we’ve actually changed their existence”, said Renita. ” And I often tell my individuals, we did not understand. Only time will tell how long these garments have had an effect.

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