Don’t dress for dinner

April 3, 2024

THE Luvvies Group is 20 years old this year and to celebrate they are having a “dinner party” like no other! 

Their next production, Don’t Dress for Dinner, a comedy/farce, opens on April 19 at Teatro/Museo Pedro Gilabert in Arboleas.

The Luvvies have gone from strength to strength over the last 2 decades, from a few friends wanting to put on a show, to a society with an eagerness to present a polished performance for their audiences. Don’t Dress for Dinner, is no exception.

This production sees members old and new in many roles on and off stage. For some, it is their first time acting.

Don’t Dress for Dinner is filled with the ongoings at a dinner party in a converted farmhouse on the outskirts of Paris where, it appears, everybody is having an affair with somebody and everyone is trying to avoid each other knowing, with hilarious consequences…

Sauce Veloute

Buy your tickets to see this production and find out who gets to sleep in the cowshed with whom and what sauce Veloute has to do with it.

Witness the dinner of all dinners and find out the answers to these and many other questions, including the most important, who drank all the Cointreau?

Tickets are €10 each and can be purchased from Total Entertainment in Albox and Arboleas, Harrisons Store in Albox, Holmes for Homes in Arboleas, One stop pool shop or phone Diane on 643 513 532. Performances are on Friday April 19 at 7pm Saturday April 20 at 7pm and Sunday at 2.30pm.

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