The clothing hanging in our lockers are getting more value thanks to Switch Society.

November 24, 2023
Montana, Mont. — It’sa associate- based business type where you pay a level rate to volunteer and industry excellent clothes from your wardrobe to someone else’s.
Emily Petroff Founder andCEOofSwitchSociety, said about 80 %of the clothing in our closets rarely gets worn and she says about 60 %of the clothes wedonateoften end up in landfills around the globe.
InApril of2023, she startedSwitchSociety, a zero- spare garments storethataddsmore price to what we already have in our lockers
She saidshe wanted to create a community of like- minded people whodo n’tmindswappingtheir clothing.
Emily said” It’s genuinely interesting, I have a group of women that come about everySaturdayand swap their whole outfit for the next week because you can and there is no extended- term commitment. When we remove the challenge of wealth and the way that weparticipatewith our clothes, all changes. We are willing to trythingsthat we may not usually try like patterns, textures, and colours, itopensa whole new world of opportunities. The philosophy in the way we participate with our clothes is brain- blowing”.
AnneHolubis a part of theSwitchedSociety and as a freelance author, she loves the zero- cash trade and the fact thatshe’s able to get new and carefully used items
” You seethereally excellent quality and excellent brands of stuff, I feel likeit’svery curated, Emily does a really great job of looking at what’s donated, but even she has an eye for’ this can be upcycled’ and you know that no matter what you are donating and there are different levels of things that you can donate, also ifit’slike fabric scrapes it’s going to have a new home and the stiff that comes through these, it’sstill typically has a lot of life left in it”. SaidHolub
LindaRoersistheveryfirst part of theSwitch Society, she saidshe never really liked searching at large department stores for garments, she prefers the warmth of change world.
Roers saidshe also has 8sisters, but she knows a thing or two about swapping clothing.
” It’s wonderful to have a space where people can come in and offer things that no longer serve them well or maybe not meet them so well in their bedroom and not have to spending money, and only come in and transfer”. SaidRoers
Since the start of this time, Switch Society has more than 400 people andthey’realways welcoming morePetroff saideventually she would like to open moreSwitch World areas across theU. S.
Emily believes that all women should be able to feel confident and secure in their garments, without having to worry about how much it costthem.
This Friday, Switch Society may be hosting a Family Swap members and non- members are invited to the event at Billings Grace Methodist Church from 9- am to 6- am to transfer and receive clothes for the entire family.

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