The AAHS Rachel Club wins the Kindness Counts nomination and offers clothing to students in need.

November 24, 2023
The 6 News ‘ Kindness Counts award, sponsored by Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships, was given to a special program at Altoona Area High School in BLAIR COUNTY, Pennsylvania ( WJAC ).

6 News asked schools to submit nominations for businesses to become recognized for work to better their populations during our Friday Night Rivals high school football season.

The Rachel Club at Altoona High was chosen for its Rachel’s Closet Program.

It established a location where kids in need could buy for used clothing for free.

Students run the team, gathering and cleaning the clothes before handing them off without being questioned.

The team bears Rachel Scott’s name because she was the first student killed in the 1999 Columbine shooting.

The team received$ 2,500 in funding.

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